Go ahead, be sociable: Blessings will unfold thanks to the Laws of Attraction.
Webster’s dictionary defines sociable as “likely to seek or enjoy the company of others.” Does being sociable and meeting new people excite you, or scare you to death? Do you have a strategic plan for where, how and why you connect with others to make the best investment of your time?
True story: One year ago, I reunited with my BFF from college through LinkedIn and my life is forever blessed. We’re living proof that being sociable pays off – especially when you REALLY connect with the folks you encounter online.
As a firm believer in the Laws of Attraction, it’s important to find joy and inspiration collaborating with like-minded people. For example, I’ve blatantly found a “home” in the CITI CONNECT Professional Women’s Network. Thank you Linda Descano and the amazing women in that group. There’s something magical about the people, their candor and kindness. I make it a point to contribute in some way every week: offering advice, showing gratitude for other’s contributions or just to say hello.
Embrace Linkedin to CONNECT with like-minded people.
Within this conversation hub I stumbled upon my college sidekick and “partner in crime”, Mariel Miller. In the 80’s, we were bad-asses traveling the NJ Turnpike from Bergen County to Glassboro State (now Rowan University). We drifted apart after graduation (with no drama) and hadn’t spoken in 30 years. It happens. Time flies.
Last summer, the laws of attraction brought us back together thanks to a social media post discussing telecommuting. You see, we both really value time freedom, independent income potential and spending quality time with our families. Working remotely while creating a path to success for others are built into our DNA. We both have family members with special health challenges who require extra attention. And we were both mid-life hormonal, at rock bottom and open to a better way. Something had to change!
Mary Ellen Wasek (now Mariel Miller) and I joined forces with amazing folks from across the globe. We started feeding our bodies with nutritional superfoods and healthy aging minerals. We rid ourselves of toxic habits (and some toxic people).
Now we’re both healthier, happier and setting others on a path to a strong financial future with passive income. Yes, we get paid while we travel on vacations as well as for business. (So far this year I’ve been to London, Copenhagen, Paris, Mexico, Palm Springs, Orlando, San Diego and the Jersey Shore. Tampa and Dallas are coming soon). We coach hundreds of folks (including our own families) on how to live at a higher vibration. It’s a better way, and we are indeed blessed.
Love you Maryellen Wasek (Mariel) Miller! Thank you for all you do, including sharing your time and talents to make me a better person. A year surely has changed everything, and we’ve only just begun!
Please chime in: share some examples of amazing — or horrifying — outcomes from social networking in your personal or professional life.
I hope this week ROCKS for you!
Pat Roque