[50 ROCKS: STRONG] BE STRONG, take the leap of faith
Why Rock Your Strength? Know what talents make you special so others can, too.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could stop dwelling on what is NOT working so well and start focusing more on how to dial up our strength? After all, Gallup research tells us that when folks show an inherent talent (meaning, their natural capacity to excel in any one facet of their work) they are happier, more fulfilled and more successful.
In a team setting, our natural capacity for excellence in a role results in greater efficiency and productivity. Using selection science, Gallup research helps us map success potential greater than just our personality: it reflects factors such as our attitudes, motives, cognition and values. It’s no wonder we’re now working with the talented @SaraNunez and incorporating data-driven strength assessments into the proven Rock On Success coaching system.
History shows that successful people respond differently than less successful people. Imagine having your own version of a crystal ball. What if you could understand the typical characteristics of the most successful people in a given role and predict whether you (or a candidate) were a great fit?
Wouldn’t life become easier and more fun if you focus on your strength (what comes naturally to you)?
For example, we can now predict where you were more likely to naturally and consistently behave in ways that lead to excellence in the role. Wouldn’t you love to truly appreciate where and how you rock in the context of potential new business relationships? Then learn exactly how to apply those strengths to excel over the next 90 days when you follow a smart plan? (HINT: we can help, click here to learn more.)
For example, I was blown away by how accurately our assessment described my own top talents. Among my top 5, the assessment reinforced my gift for individualization.
How can you apply your strength to improve your performance and grow your list of happy clients or colleagues?
As a coach, folks like me grow impatient with generalizations or “types” as seen in some old-school personality measurements. Rather, we highlight folks’ unique talents and abilities by observing results along with how they act, their motivation and how they build relationships. Success coaching is not a “one size fits all” model. While others tout “hands off” leadership, my mastermind group members thrive thanks to individual attention. It’s not for everyone, but my peeps crave and appreciate this level of service.
As a motivational speaker and trainer, it’s also why I think on my feet and don’t give “canned” lectures filled with boring slides. Rather, I strive to know their audience and clarify their goals so that we make the very best use of our time together. I cater to their needs and address challenges head-on. Folks engage. They know that I care and am here for them.
When you avoid labels and are a keen observer of individuals, you can draw out people’s strengths and help them discover the very best in themselves.
As a business owner, appreciating individualization also comes in quite handy as I interview collaborators to grow my team. After all, we don’t seek carbon copies of ourselves but rather a complementary mix of talents to take the lead in varied elements of our success formula.
Once you can identify your top strengths, the secret sauce lies in knowing how to leverage your unique gifts to start attracting more of your ideal clients and collaborators.
So, tell me… what are your top strengths and how do you apply them in your work-life integration? How have they evolved over the years (and how can you apply them in the next phase of your career)?
Hopefully thinking about these things will spark some focus to rock your career and your life!
You rock, my friend!
P.S. Need support finding your next best step for your career and for your life? Click here to schedule time with me here. I’m here for you!