The Making of a Rock Star Career Transformation Coach
Pat’s successful career came to an abrupt stop. She suddenly found herself with no paycheck, severance, or clue about what to do next.
At the same time, the symptoms of menopause made her feel even less in control.
Pile onto all that—yes, there’s more—Pat was about to turn 50, a milestone birthday that couldn’t happen at a worse time. Or could it?
Pat’s best friend gave her a birthday present that proved to be the catalyst for her newfound happiness: a box of 50 rocks. Not just any rocks. These were gold-painted rocks on which were words that personified Pat—caring, kind, supportive… (Visit her 50 Rocks Blog to learn more.) The rocks helped Pat see that turning 50 truly did rock and propelled her into action.

“Looking for a new job made me think, was a big paycheck really worth a long daily commute, missed time with my family, and working with people whose values didn’t align with my own? It felt as if I was selling my soul for a job that I didn’t really want. I had to get clear about what I was best at and what was going to make me happy.” Pat explained.
She went into auto-pilot and began to figure out a process to do just that. Her friend pointed out that while this came naturally to Pat, there were lots of others who could also benefit from this process.She wisely suggested that Pat document her efforts and that’s how the Rock on Success program came to be.
Pat is no longer tethered to a desk and is truly living her best life. Her thriving corporate leadership strategy, career coaching and speaking engagements allow her to help others from a laptop. Whether she’s working from her beachside condo in Myrtle Beach or anywhere in the world, Pat’s life is rock-solid proof that her virtual programs (and best practices for nurturing productive hybrid teams) work.
What’s keeping you from living your best life?